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Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Bruno Mars - Grenade

Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss,
Why were they open?
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked,
Cause what you don't understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same

No, no, no, no
Black, black, black and blue beat me till I'm numb
Tell the devil I said “hey” when you get back to where you're from
Mad woman, bad woman,
That's just what you are, yeah,
You’ll smile in my face then rip the breaks out my car
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash

You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire, ooh
You’ d watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me you're a liar
Cause you never, ever, ever did baby...
But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same.
No, you won’t do the same,
You wouldn’t do the same,
Ooh, you’ll never do the same,
No, no, no, no

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Senin, 10 Januari 2011

RF ONLINE petualanganku ..

Huuh..Ga Sabar Kalo mau buat artikel tentang game ,, walau Di Blog ni jarang artikel Mengenai Game. Di Karenakan Aku Males Ni ngetiknya .. Kalo di Ketik Pastinya Banyyyaaaaaaaaaak banget ..hee

Aku lagi Seru Maen game ini niii

Hahaa... RF onlen , (Pertempuran Yang Ga ada Matinyaa...wkwkwkw)

Mungkin Sodara-Sodara Ada yang Udah Tau Game Ini , Saya Hanya Berbagi ke Yang Lum Tau ...(heehehe)
Di Khususkan Untuk Para Newbi yang Baru ja wat Acount RF'a ,, Kalo mw daftar di SINI
Oyah Sebelum Kita Berpetualang Ada yang Mau Baca-Baca Artikel Tentang Gam nya ga??buka ja di Blog Aku juga nii baca ja di Postingan Game RF ,,.Okey

Huhuhu.. .. iKan Hiu Ikan Mas Ikan Cucut ,,Yuuu Mas kita Lanjuuut...he

Okey Di mulay dari sini yaahh Cerita Petualangnya..

Aku Memang Penggemar Game , Tentunya Game Petualang seperti MORPG ini .. Dulu sering Main PS , Dari PS 1 – PS2 udah Coba..walau lewat Rental2 gitu..hee(maklum Ga bisa Belii) ,
Nah dari Ketagihan Men gem , Lupa darattaan.. Makanya kalian kalian kalo maen game Boleh Boleh aja seriuss TAPI INGETT JANGAN LUPA SEGALANYA ,, Inget Waktu , Inget BELAJAR ..hehee

Gajebo dehh mulai aku ne..

hmmm.. serius ni ,
Kalian Udah Daftar kan ??? di LYTO ?? .. Kalo Udah Sukur deeh.. Kalo Belom ya DAFTAR atuhh..

aku mah mau kasih tau beberapa perjalann yang pernah aku alami saat main Rf inii.. Trik Trik yang Gada Tutoriallnya ,, Dari Jalan-jalan ajah .. Dan Ketemuu .. Saya Bagi bagi deeeh...okeh,,

  • Buka RF'a ,,
  •   Aku Login Ke Rf  > Pilih ajah yang paling Atas ...Doble Klik..
  •   Tunggu hingaa tampil

  •  Setelah Itu Login Lagii pke Password kamu..
  • Pilih Karakter kamu ( NAH aku di sini pake Bangsa Bellato )
  • l  Biar Kecil tapi Cool bage akuu..

  • l  Emm.. Untuk yang Baru Bikin , saat Pertama masuk biasanya muncul

Baca Doong...
  • l  heehe..tuh tutorial pertama , Klo Belom Tentu Paham SILAHKAN klik OK..
  • l  Puas Puasin Deh Tuhh di Suru suru ..khukhu , (bagus Loh .. Ikuti ja terus Mpe paham)
  • l  Kalo Ngga Klik Batal
  • l  nah Tampil ini

  • l  Klik OK untuk mengakhirinya
  • l  Next
  • l  Daaaar ... eh Ada Ell Dunn Tanta , yang keluar tuuh saat kamu masuk
  • Dia Bilang apa hayo ,, baca atuhh..hee
  • l  Biasanya Dia Ngasih Misi wat kaliannn...
  • l  Ni.. aku jelasin lagi, Kali Si E-Dunn ga kamu ngerti ..
1.      Tekan [J] di Keyboard kamu Hingga akan tampil Ini !
  • Perhatikan Gambar di Atass,, Baca yahhh Misi Kamu ,,
  • l  pada No. 2 , kamu ceklist [] seperti gambar ini :
  • No.5 adalah hadiah yang akan kamu peroleh jika berhasil menyelesaikan misi tersebut..
  • l  Nah di No.6 kamu ceklist [] juga .. ( Aktif )
  • l  Nanti akan muncul di sebela kanan bawah Tampilan Seperti ini :


Kamu Harus Buru 5 Young Flem , Buru 5 Flem 10 dan Yang Terakhir Capai Level 3
  • l  PERSIAPAN bertaruung..
  • l  Tekan [I] untuk mengeluarkan Panel Inventori ...

  • l  Buka Tasnya ,

  • Perhatikan tanda Merah
  • l  Di situ ada Pedang, Panah , Tongkat , dan Anak panah
  • l  Tekan [Y] untuk mengeluarkan panel Macro
Sudah  Siaap?? , tentunya Belum Selesaai sampe situ ajahh..
  • l  Perhatikann..
  • l  Selanjutnya Kamu Perhatikan Tanda Di Bawah Ini , Kamu tingaal pilih Objek Pertama .. Drag dan Lepas ke Tempat keduaa..
Hadooh aga ribet yah keliatannya ,, tapi kalo langsung praktek sih ga kenapa napa ... Insyaallah lancar deehh.. >.<
  • Perhatikan gambar Di atas ini , ada gambar orang lagi lari yagg? Tekan [W] untuk mengubah Toggle Run(lari) menjadi Walk(jalan) coba anda tekan bergantian dan move ke tempat lain, apa bedanya kalian lihat nanti ..
  • l  sebelah kiri ada kaya Kotak yang di tengahnya ada tanda (+) , toogle [Z] , untuk mengubah Mode Otomatis dan Manual ( di gunakan saat anda ingin Mnyerang musuh)
  • l  yang paling kanan , yaitu gambar Pedanng,, kalo gambarnya di atas berarti sedang Mode DAMAi ,, kalo mau nyerang (atau Mode Perang) tekan [A] ,dan untuk mengembalikannya cukup tekan [A] lagii..
  • Di atas Adalah screenshot lagi mode Perang 'nya ,,
  • l  Hemmp..selanjutnya kalian tekan [M] untuk menampilkan Map yang Memberi tahu anda sedang ada di mana ( ya iyaalahh,..) he

  • Sekarang Siaap deehh..kalian keluar Markas ,, di depan ada Monster yang nunggu kalian wat di seraang..he
  • l  kalo map yang di atas ga jelas ni ada map yang nunjukin ama tempat monster itu berada :
  • Kalian Cari Dulu Young Flem , kalo ada Ni kita berantem ,,

  • Tapi Sebelomnya tekan [C] untuk menampilkan panel di bawah ini :
  • l  Kamu Cari cari “Pertarungan” ,di sini menjadi patokan anda untuk melakukan beberapa serangan , contoh Jarak jauh , di situ ada 1/3 Pt kan??di maksudkan untuk Level 1 .. jika kamu udah naik Level .. biasanya Berbeda dan pasti lebih tinggi .. Untuk Menaikannya Kamu Cukup bertarung Menggunakan PANAH..
  • Ni lihat Contonya ,,, sekalian kalian serang tuh Young Flem 'a ... sampai 5
  • dan selanjutnya Buru Flem ,,,
  • l  Kalo Flem dah keBUru ..perhatikeeuun ieu :
  • Di Situ ada angka 1 , itu tandanya kamu masih Level 1 ,,, Untuk menyelesaikan misi ke 3 yaitu Capai Level 3 ,, Anda terus Bertarung .. Buru Monster-Monster yang Berlalaang Buana di sekitar markas Tersebutt... dan Lihat warna biru di Bawaaaaah ... kalo Udah penuh Berari Level Akan bertambahh...

  • Kalo Udahhh...Pasti warnanya jadi Gini ,, Semua Hijau (berarti Misi terselesaikan) dan kemudian ada :
  • Klik Oke Dooong...he ,
  • Dapet Hadianya deeehh... Ok

  • l  Untuk Selanjutnya Belum ada misi Di situ ,, Kamu Capai Level 4 maka akan ada misi Baruu,,, Selesaikan Misii.. Bila Belum ,, Saya sendiri sih ga masalaahh..hee
  • l  Kamu Terusiin ,, naiki Level 5 .. ada Misi Baruu,, Begitu Selanjutnya  :
  • l  Bersambung Dulu NganTook ..Besok UAS... hehehee,
  • l  (Bukannya Belajar yaah!!) hahaahy...tapa laa...yar ga Boring jaaa... okey
  • l  Mpe Ketemu Nantiii...
  • l  Dalam Acara Selanjutnyaa “Adventure akan terus Berlanjut” .. Go Gameers ,,

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Justin Timberlake - Take You Down

All the girls say oho, oh, oh, oh, oho
Hear me cause I can

I've seen your sexy walking, I've seen you're playing nice
You nodes that I'm watching but girl I ain't no lie
Let me get that drink now for you I'm keeping fill tonight
A little secret for you I'm chill maybe for midnight
You think I feel enchanted but I don't
Right now I'm working my magic on a
Do ya, come do your thang, do ya, come do your thang, do ya, come do your thang
And now take it to the end of the night
Oho, oho, oho, get your glass, drink it up
Oho, oho, oho, get your glass, drink it up
Wait a minute now I'm gonna take down down, I'm gonna take you down, down
I'm gonna take you down, down, I'm gonna take you down,
And I'm gonna take it down

You know I like it boy, au, you know I like it boy, au, you know I like it boy, au
You know I like it, like it, lick it

I've seen my magic work you're loosing your religion, and I
Want you to understand that I can make you feel better

So it's me and you my place sexiness all day

I'ma do all whatever you like, like, if you gave it to me all night girl
You think I feel enchanted but I don't
Right now I'm working my magic on a
So what you gonna do girl? So what you gonna do girl? So what you gonna do girl?
Are you read for this? So what you gonna do girl? Do your thang, do ya

Uu, you know I like it boy, au, you know I like it boy, au
I'ma give it to you girl, you know I like it boy
Oho, oho, oho, get your glass, drink it up
Oho, oho, oho, get your glass, drink it up
Oho, oho, oho, get your glass, drink it up, drink it up, wait a minute now
I'm gonna take down down, I'm gonna take you down, down
I'm gonna take you down, down, I'm gonna take you down,
Give you F, give you F, give you F, give you F, give you F, give you F, give you F
Give you, yeah, Give you F, give it to me, give it to me, I want the love liquor, now lick it
Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, I want the love liquor, now lick it.

[ From: ]

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Bruno Mars - Never Say U Can't

oh (4x)

when i was just a little boy
barely strong enough to stand
i could always count on him

he thought me everything i know
and ’till this day it shows
he was more than just a friend (ah ah ah)

there were so many times i would doubt myself
but his words were always there to help

how would it be?
where i am?
if my father didn’t tell me
to never say i can’t

he’d carry me
and never let me fall
oh and the only thing he asked
right before he passed
was to never say you can’t

never say you can’t
oh oh oh oh

so when last rain begins to fall
and you’re out there on your own
and you can’t see a thing
no no no

just find a voice that understands
for me it was my old man
taught me to say the words i can

there were so many times i would doubt myself
but his words were always there to help

how would it be?
where i am?
if my father didn’t tell me
to never say i can’t

he’d carry me
and never let me fall
oh and the only thing he asked
right before he passed
was to never say you can’t

everything he taught me would stay with me forever
no i won’t forget a thing
oh because of dad i now know myself better
and i hope i can do for him what he did for me

how would it be?
where i am?
if my father didn’t tell me
to never say i can’t

he’d carry me
and never let me fall
oh and the only thing he asked
right before he passed
was to never say you can’t

never say you can’t
never say you can’t

Download Mp3 Here

Bruno Mars -Just The Way You Are

oh her eyes, her eyes;
make the stars look like they're not shining.
her hair, her hair;
falls perfectly without her trying.

she's so beautiful;
and i tell her every day.

yeah; i know, i know,
when i compliment her
she won't believe me.
and it's so, it's so
sad to think that she don't see what i see.

but every time she asks me "do i look okay?",
i say:

when i see your face,
there's not a thing that i would change.
cause you're amazing,
just the way you are.
and when you smile,
the whole world stops and stares for a while.
'cause girl you're amazing,
just the way you are.

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